Monday, December 23, 2019

My Pop Culture Research Topic - 1250 Words

My Pop Culture Research Topic The research topic that I chose to work on is television. I chose this specific topic for various reasons. One reason why I decided to discuss the television subject because for one, it truly has a massive effect on the masses of people, especially when it comes to certain cultures. For instance, the black communities. Reality TV shows such as Love and Hip Hop and Basketball Wives, for example, has a huge affect on black guys and girls alike, especially black females because within these TV shows, the people on there display certain behaviors that many find admirable, such as the constant usage of vulgar, wearing revealing outfits, being a player or thug, etc. All of these characteristics are being displayed in most of our black communities today, and these reality TV shows are making it no better. TV is set up to influence people in a way we don’t even know of, especially in advertisements, movies, and news. A very fast-paced format attempting to get the victims that’s viewing energized for the day. And little do people realize is that commercials have more of an influence on you than actual movies. In advertisements, the advertisers use a heavy variety of subliminal messages and audio to put a persuasion on the subconscious mind, and which can easily make a person like their products without of their recognition. Humans nowadays can’t even imagine themselves without a television in their lives. It’s like they made TV apart of who they are, andShow MoreRelatedMy Life Of K Pop Music1501 Words   |  7 Pagesspend most of my time listening to K-pop music. Sometimes I watch these K-pop celebrities†¯on reality TV†¯shows, movies, Korean TV†¯dramas, and even their live performances on YouTube or a live streaming app. I ve been listening to K-pop for more than five years. Soon I began to accumulate knowledge about Korean culture,†¯entertainment, and music industry. 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